31 Sexting Phrases That'll Heat Up Any Conversation

by Cara

on Jan 13, 2022

31 Sexting Phrases That'll Heat Up Any Conversation

Have you ever wanted to turn your partner on via messages or Snapchat, but didn't want to take any compromising pictures?

Or perhaps you’ve been horny in public and couldn't slip away anywhere to call them and tell them all about it?

Sending nudes can be fun and a sure way of getting the recipient hot and bothered, but they’re not the only way to get a sexy conversation going. Sometimes a well-written sext can be even hotter than a revealing pic.

Here’s my list of tried-and-tested sexting phrases you can use as a template next time you want to tease your partner, or have some long-distance fun.

Talk about a sexy memory or previous experience you’ve shared

1. ‘I loved it the other night when you [insert action].’

2. ‘Last night was so hot...’

3. ‘Remember that time we had shower sex?’

4. ‘It was so incredible last time we had sex. I want to make you moan that loud again sometime...’

5. ‘I can’t stop thinking about the time we had sex in [location].’

These are great ways of introducing the topic and they make it easy for your partner to reply.

Plan a future experience

6. ‘Guess what I’m going to do to you tonight…’

7. ‘What are you going to do to me when we next meet?’

8. ‘I want you as soon as you get through the door tonight.’

9. ‘You can do anything you want to me tomorrow.’

10. ‘You’re going to come so hard later.’

Talking about things you want to do in the future is an effective and non-cringey way of ramping up the mood, plus it makes the recipient extra excited for when they next see you.

Use compliments to make your partner feel good

11. ‘You’re so hot when you [action].’

12. ‘You turn me on so much.’

13. ‘I want to see your body.’

14. ‘Your [body part] is incredible.’

15. ‘I can’t wait to [action] your perfect [body part]’

Nothing is as much of a turn-on as feeling attractive and appreciated, so shower your partner with compliments to make them feel comfortable and aroused.

Tell them how aroused you are

16. ‘I’m so wet/hard.’

17. ‘I need you right now.’

18. ‘Stop making me horny in public.’

19. ‘I can’t stop thinking about you.’

20. ‘I need your [body part] on my [body part] now.’

This lets them know you’re enjoying it and invites them to continue. Telling your partner that you’re into what they’re saying can be a huge confidence boost which will make them want to sext more.

Describe some fantasies

21. ‘I’m imaging you spanking/riding/handcuffing/teasing me while I touch myself.’

22. ‘It’s so sexy imagining you [insert action].’

23. ‘I can’t stop thinking about you in that lingerie/dress/suit.’

24. ‘I want to try [kink your partner is into].’

Make sure that you’re talking about their fantasies as much as or more than your own. If you’re only talking about things you’re into, they might lose interest.

However, keep it truthful – if you’re not into something, don’t pretend to be just for the sake of sexting.

Tease your partner and build some sexual tension

25. ‘Shame you’re not here to join in.’

26. ‘If you were here right now I’d [action].’

27. ‘Too bad you’re out right now while I’m touching myself.’

Teasing your partner makes them want more and can be great foreplay for meeting up and having sex later in the day.

Prompt your partner’s replies

28. ‘What else are you going to do to me?’

29. ‘Tell me what you want me to wear tonight.’

30. ‘What do you most want me to do to you right now?’

31. ‘Tell me how much you want me.’

Like in any conversation, make sure you’re not doing ALL the talking. If your partner is shy about sexting, it can help to prompt them with questions that allow them to express themselves.

What’s your go-to sexting phrase to ramp up the heat? Please share it in the comments below.

Happy sexting!

Cara is a student blogger for Lovehoney. She studies English and appreciates grammatically correct erotica written in the active voice.

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Written by Cara.

Originally published on Jan 13, 2022. Updated on Mar 8, 2025