Drink if... The Party Game with 1200 Reasons to Drink

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  • Drink if... 1200 reasons to drink card game for a fun party icebreaker for 3 to 20 players
  • Extremely simple to follow rules for hassle-free play
  • 200 cards for extensive amount of hilarity
  • Great for gifting to friends, family or loved ones

An easy-to-play, humorous drinking game for 3-20 players. Roll a die, say “Drink if…” and then read the item next to the number you rolled. Then any player who says 'yes', does so by taking a sip of their drink.

You’ll never run out of fun things to drink to, with 1200 reasons to drink (200 cards) in each
game. This game can be played easily at any type of party, or happy hour, because people
can exit and reenter the game at any time.

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